Design Collateral —
Forge Conference
Brochure design for the BuildOps user conference.
In addition to product design at BuildOps I designed a user conference brochure. We were able to recruit two outstanding speakers, Mike Tyson and LTC Will Swenson, and the brochure highlighted their backgrounds. The brochure drove high attendance numbers and brought polish to the whole event.
Sean Locke, Design
Kori Sato, VP Marketing
More Work
CASE STUDY — Project Management Software for Commercial ContractorsCASE STUDY — Educators Empowering EducatorsDESIGN NOTES — AI for BuildOpsDESIGN SYSTEM — Sergeant DSMOBILE DESIGN — Time Tracking for California WorkersCOLLATERAL DESIGN — Forge ConferenceWORK IN PROGRESS — Unbound AgentsSURVEY — Identity DesignARCHIVE — Earthquake Safe